Saturday, 21 December 2013

Keeping it simple ... Thursday 19th – Friday 20th Dec

It’s a cold day Thursday, with the wind whistling down the streets. I have a decent walk to run a couple of errands and reflect on the fact, that since breaking my collarbone I haven’t put on any weight. I had expected that with the reduced mobility I would have done. It got me thinking, either I did nothing before, and so enforced idleness was no different. Or, and this is the theory I prefer, my increased walking has done the trick. Walking, it’s free, easy, and available to everyone right outside your front door. Fresh air and exercise for the masses. Walk somewhere, and then walk back. Who needs gyms? I may just have found the next great evolution in health. Then again, maybe it’s too simple to catch on. Here’s hoping in the New Year people leave the car at home and walk somewhere.

Wonder of wonders the youngest wanted to go shopping to buy a present on Friday; just the one mind. This is the boy who doesn’t do shopping. So it is we have some father-son bonding as we walk to the train station and catch the train into town. Then we visit one shop, just one mind, and that’s the youngest’s shopping done. No browsing, no impulse purchases, just in, buy, and out. Nice and neat. To be honest if everyone adopted this strategy the shops would be a lot less crowded. We decamp to the pub for lunch and then it’s back home on the train. To finish our time together before Mrs P comes home (the eldest being out socialising), we play some games of Cluedo and Jenga. Great fun and a great way to get in the holiday spirit. Turn off the telly and all digital gadgets and spend some quality time together as a family. Isn’t that what Christmas is all about? Or is it eating and drinking too much? Hmmm, sounds like another theory to road test.

Yours in the festive spirit.


NB. As the family Perry are now all home for the festive period, the house husband is taking a break. See you in the New Year when I may even be able to resume duties. Happy Christmas.

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