Friday, 10 January 2014

Get A Job ... Monday 6th – Friday 10th Jan

GET A JOB. I know it’s a bit of a shocking way to start the New Year, but it is my one and only New Year’s resolution. I’m not being specific about the role, the money or even the timing. It is just a generic, get a job call. After all the kids are getting older and Mrs P is getting a bit fed up with me being at home all the time, while she goes out to work. Be sure I will share my thoughts on this matter further over the coming weeks and months. Any ideas would be gratefully received.

Having got the painful news out of the way, I can report that the festive period went well in the Perry household with no disasters. My collarbone continues to heal, though I have got the physio to agree, albeit slightly tongue-in-cheek, that I should steer clear of vacuuming and ironing. Mrs P doesn’t agree and made me do the housework this week, so it was back to the duster and vacuum for me. I’m back on preparing meals as well; you would almost think that I’d never been injured. So the kids are back to school, Mrs P is back to work, and I’m contemplating my next move. Though to be honest as I write this, I’m currently eating a box of Terry’s All Gold dark chocolates, so my next move is most likely to be a cup of tea. Still shifting the last of the Christmas chocolates you see.

One thing that has come to an end is the paper-round. The company involved has decided to put it online, or make people pick up a copy from a local supermarket. I’m sure they see it as progress; personally I see it as another way to isolate the elderly, especially those not online. But then again when did big business ever really care about their customers? As we saw last year, service is generally awful in Great Britain, with big companies especially, using technology and outsourcing, to make dealing with them a confusing and miserable experience. Maybe this will be the year they improve … hey ho!

Yours wondering what a job is.




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