Saturday, 21 December 2013

Keeping it simple ... Thursday 19th – Friday 20th Dec

It’s a cold day Thursday, with the wind whistling down the streets. I have a decent walk to run a couple of errands and reflect on the fact, that since breaking my collarbone I haven’t put on any weight. I had expected that with the reduced mobility I would have done. It got me thinking, either I did nothing before, and so enforced idleness was no different. Or, and this is the theory I prefer, my increased walking has done the trick. Walking, it’s free, easy, and available to everyone right outside your front door. Fresh air and exercise for the masses. Walk somewhere, and then walk back. Who needs gyms? I may just have found the next great evolution in health. Then again, maybe it’s too simple to catch on. Here’s hoping in the New Year people leave the car at home and walk somewhere.

Wonder of wonders the youngest wanted to go shopping to buy a present on Friday; just the one mind. This is the boy who doesn’t do shopping. So it is we have some father-son bonding as we walk to the train station and catch the train into town. Then we visit one shop, just one mind, and that’s the youngest’s shopping done. No browsing, no impulse purchases, just in, buy, and out. Nice and neat. To be honest if everyone adopted this strategy the shops would be a lot less crowded. We decamp to the pub for lunch and then it’s back home on the train. To finish our time together before Mrs P comes home (the eldest being out socialising), we play some games of Cluedo and Jenga. Great fun and a great way to get in the holiday spirit. Turn off the telly and all digital gadgets and spend some quality time together as a family. Isn’t that what Christmas is all about? Or is it eating and drinking too much? Hmmm, sounds like another theory to road test.

Yours in the festive spirit.


NB. As the family Perry are now all home for the festive period, the house husband is taking a break. See you in the New Year when I may even be able to resume duties. Happy Christmas.

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Not driving towards Christmas ... Tuesday 17th – Wednesday 18th Dec

I’ve now been without my car for 6 weeks, ever since I broke my collarbone. Its funny how you get used to changes in circumstances that you think may be difficult. I had expected being without the car to be difficult, but I have found it to be relatively easy. Granted the folks have had to drive me to the hospital and physio, but apart from that I’ve walked everywhere. I’m sure if I had the car I would be using it, spending money on petrol and probably other unnecessary things. It just goes to show what you can do without, if you need to, and brings into question how many cars people really need. Because if you take the car away suddenly you might find that the things you had to do, because you could, because you had a car, you can suddenly manage without. It might stop people spending so much, it might keep families at home more. It could even benefit the planet, though maybe that’s stretching a point. Here endeth the Christmas message.

Mrs P bought our annual Radio Times the other day, and I took a quick look at the Christmas Films, and I must say how disappointed I was by them. There are plenty on, but they all fall into one of two categories, either I’ve seen them, or I don’t want to see them. What I would like, is some old Marx Brothers films, or a decent new blockbuster, but it doesn’t look like this house husbands Christmas Film wish is to be granted. Oh well, back to watching the darts for me.

Yours in the Tungsten Thunderdome.


Tuesday, 17 December 2013

What could the future hold? ... Monday 16th Dec

December – religious celebration or commercial spend-fest? It would be nice if it was the former but I fear it is turning into the latter. Certainly Mrs P seems to find more ways to spend every year. To add to the excitement for us in the Perry family, we have the eldest’s 18th birthday coming up. So for us it’s a double whammy on the spending stakes, but she’s worth it. I suppose like a lot of people I find it incongruous that we save all year to splurge over just one week. A bit like a holiday, but without leaving home, and without the sun. Well now that’s my Grouch impersonation out of the way, I must confess I’m looking forward to us all being off together, though the eldest becoming technically an adult is a thought too scary for me to consider. Instead I’m concentrating on extending my repertoire of one-handed, wrong-handed, house work. I’ve managed to get in washing some dishes, drying some dishes, minimal dusting and minimal vacuuming. No ironing. Preparing a few meals, and helping Mrs P to clean some windows. If you asked Mrs P she’d probably say I never did much more anyway.

If I keep up the physio I could be back to full working order in the New Year, though the rest of the family may be hoping for a new improved version. Talking of which I must give some thought to my New Year’s Resolutions. See if I can’t actually commit to something worthwhile next year. Hmmm, the possibilities …!

Yours thinking big.


Friday, 13 December 2013

Christmas blues come early ... Wednesday 11th – Friday 13th Dec

It’s quite possible now to order a complete Christmas online, presents and food, from the comfort of your own home without ever putting on a coat and braving the cold and the crowds. To be honest we do a lot that way, but I do worry that its killing the romance of Christmas. The touchy-feely pleasure, of finding and buying a present for someone. Handing over cash, and returning home laden down with shopping bags, a warm feeling flowing through you. Whilst I have had some of that this year, the majority of my experience has been the doorbell ringing and another Amazon parcel being delivered. Mrs P and I do though still have the big Christmas food shop to look forward to – I say look forward to, when I really mean dread – pushing a fully laden supermarket trolley, through crowds of shoppers, while trying to avoid getting your ankles rammed by a pensioner who has just come in for a pint of milk. You see, I really am full of the joys of Christmas already.

I wonder if Friday 13th is regarded as an unlucky day in all countries. I know there are historical precedents of bad things happening on this date, and 13 is regarded as an unlucky number by some. In fact many of my local roads don’t have a house numbered 13. But I think I’ve found a new reason for it to be regarded as unlucky. Today I tried left-handed dusting and vacuuming. A new experience necessitated by my broken collarbone, and whilst it was slow, it did work. So it is that I may be in a position to resume some of my house-husbandry duties. Whilst only light duties still, my improving injury means that for me every silver lining has a cloud.  

Yours taking it easy.


Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Monday 2nd – Tuesday 3rd Dec

I’m still spending some of my time visiting hospitals at the moment. Either for physio, or doctor’s appointments. I know the NHS gets a lot of stick in the media, but my experience with the broken collarbone has been pretty positive. True if I’d seen the shoulder consultant sooner after I’d broken it - it took 9 days - I might have had the operation sooner, but apart from that it has all gone smoothly I’m pleased to say. I got to see the new x-ray today which showed the metalwork now holding my shoulder together, and very robust it looks. I have setting off metal detectors at airports, every time I go on holiday, to look forward to now.
The physio can be painful. Today when I explained it felt ok apart from when you touch the bone in a particular place, I was told it needed to be de-sensitised, and you do this by touching it! Which he did! Oh how I jumped, at least I would have done if he hadn’t been holding me down. I have now been instructed to carry on massaging the bone and the surrounding area myself, something I am not looking forward to. Inflicting deliberate pain on myself has never ranked high on my list of favourite things to do, and I don’t see it making an appearance any time soon.
Yours tentatively.

Sunday, 8 December 2013

TV wishes and Ashes misery ... Friday 6th Dec

Another quiet day on planet Perry. Given my current incapacity I was limited to a walk round to see the folks for a cuppa. In my current situation I actually find myself looking forward to the start of the Christmas TV schedule. At least it may mean there is something worth watching during the day. If not I shall have to seriously considering looking into the Box Sets that are available through the TV at the moment. Though I’m not sure I want to start anything right now, it’s a big time commitment, what with Christmas and everything. My current moment of sunshine in the TV schedule was to be the Ashes highlights, and I avoid hearing the overnight score so I can watch with optimism. Unfortunately this is swiftly crushed by Australia piling on the runs, and what seems like England’s obligatory batting collapse.

But it did get me thinking what I would like to see at Christmas. Some new films, some old films - preferably including the Marx Brothers –, lots of sport - preferably including England winning a test Match –, and no reality TV or so called celebrities. At least there should be some good sport to watch, though I’m not holding out much hope for the Ashes.

Yours feeling festive.


Friday, 6 December 2013

A Tale of Two Walks ... Wednesday 4th – Thursday 5th Dec

Its funny how when you’re limited by what you can do, your world becomes restricted, and the little you can do, expands to fill the space. In my case, this means if I’m going out, I’m walking. Now I like walking, but my judgement has to be called into question over the last two days.

On Wednesday I decided to go and collected a prescription, which would take me about 25 minutes each way at a brisk pace. The skies were clear. A weak sun was out and I ventured forth without a coat. As soon as I turned the corner and the breeze hit me, I thought, “that’s cold but I’ll warm up as I go.” Given that it’s December in England I have no idea why I thought that. I spent the journey, there and back, crossing roads to get on the side where the weak sun was at least shining. On the way back this meant I had to squint most of the way because the sun was in my eyes. When I did get eventually get home, I put on another jumper and the kettle to warm up me up.

On Thursday I spent the first part of the morning looking out for the forecasted rain, as the washing was out drying in the howling winds that had hit the country. Late morning with the washing in, and dry, I decided I’d pop out to the shops and run my errands. Bad move as it turned out. The heavens opened on me, and I was both buffeted by the wind and soaked by the rain. I’d remembered to put on a coat today but to no avail, I was drenched, everything was wet when I got home, and I do mean everything! I felt like some sort of celebrity changing my clothes halfway through the day. Funny how despite living in this country all my life, i still can’t get a handle on the wonderful unpredictability of the British weather.

Yours cold and wet.


Wednesday, 4 December 2013

On the mend ... Monday 2nd – Tuesday 3rd Dec

There is definitely a chance that I may soon have to resume some of my house husband duties. Even if it means learning to do them left handed! The physio tells me things are progressing well with my shoulder, which is a relief, though I still have to take it easy while it heals. However I could use my left hand side for some things. The problem is I am far from ambidextrous, and by the time I’ve learnt to iron competently with my left hand, I suspect my right will have healed. So on balance I think I’ll just take it easy.

I had a bit of seasonal shopping to do, and so I took myself on the train to Liverpool. In an attempt to avoid getting my arm bumped into I wore my sling, and to be fair some people did give me some room, but most were in worlds of their own. I took the opportunity to visit the Cathedral (well one of them). I never fail to be amazed at the architectural grandeur and sense of space in these buildings. They can be wonderful places to find some peace in the middle of a busy city. My outing was moderately successful, which is all you can hope for at this time of year. There seems to be a fashion for continental/German style markets at the moment, and so there were plenty of wooden cabins erected on the streets selling food and drink. Though listening to the stall-holders accents they didn’t sound particularly continental.  I managed to get plenty of walking done, which is a plus, though I must find out how soon I can get back to driving. Though on the plus side I’m not missing the driving, we are saving on petrol, and Mrs P and the eldest are capable chauffeurs.

Yours exploring alternative transport.
