Thursday, 9 May 2013

Thursday 9th May

How is it that you watch the weather forecast on the BBC at 8am in the morning and it tells you the rain will be hosing down by 10am, and carry on until late afternoon? As a result of this information you decide not to hang out your washing. Then what happens? A brief light shower followed by winds that would have dried the washing perfectly by lunchtime. Only problem is my washing is in the basket on the kitchen floor, still wet. The upshot of this being I have to put it in the drier when I get home at lunchtime, and some of the promised rain eventually appears. I know it is only a forecast, but more often than not its rubbish. How can you get a weather forecast in the morning so wrong? I sometimes think you should just stick your head out of the window, and there you go, that’s the weather!

A friend of mine who is a driving instructor used me to practice teaching an experienced driver this afternoon. Something which instructors are assessed on every few years. It was interesting to see how many bad habits I have picked up over the years, and the upshot was that I wasn’t too bad. I don’t check blind spots, and I don’t always look in my rear view mirror as much as I might, oh and my hands are not exactly at ten-to-two on the steering wheel; but on balance I’m pretty OK, which I have to say I was both surprised and pleased by.

This meant I was late getting to the housework and Mrs P had to put on tea when she came in, which as she was hungry didn’t go down too well. But we rallied together and got it ready, and while I tidied up Mrs P did the ironing and the teenagers revised. What a picture of domestic bliss we were this evening.

Yours fit for the road


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