Saturday, 4 May 2013

Friday 3rd May

I’m off the mark early this morning starting the cleaning before the teenagers have even left for school. Partly it’s to get it out of the way, and partly it’s because I’m meeting a friend early on for coffee. I have to leave the cleaning part done, as I go out, and meet my friend in a local McDonalds, because believe it or not the coffee is pretty drinkable, the location suits us at the moment, and it is reasonably priced in comparison to many places. The amount of customers they get is frankly astonishing; it really is a licence to print money. We notice as we leave a number of large people sitting in their cars eating burgers, having used the drive thru facility. Something about people who are so obviously overweight who can’t even get out of their vehicles to walk into the restaurant for their burgers doesn’t chime right with me. I do wonder if in the same way pubs shouldn’t serve alcohol to drunks, whether fast food outlets should be serving burgers and chips to morbidly obese people who can’t be bothered to walk twenty yards. Surely we’re just storing up a burden for the NHS in years to come.

Back home I finish off the cleaning and call Santander whom I have an ISA with. The ISA has just finished its fixed term and I know this because I keep a track on it. Santander has made no effort to inform me it is out of term and the interest rate has now dropped to 0.5% or less. I wonder why they didn’t inform me? Could it be because they make more money if they don’t advise me where I can now get the best return on my investment, and instead pay me a paltry return? The publics’ apathy really is one of the banks greatest weapons, as is their own lack of transparency. Suffice to say I will be moving my ISA to another provider in the immediate future.

Later on the eldest drives the youngest to cricket practice and we then go on to pick up her friend to take them both to a party. Her driving is coming along though she still expects other road users to act in a reasonable manner, when it seems a lot of them seeing the L plates take it as an invitation to drive like idiots. Sitting with a learner driver does give you a clear view of just what bad and frankly dangerous drivers many people on the roads are today.

Yours letting it all out


The Diary will be back on Tuesday 7th May.

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