Thursday, 16 May 2013

Thursday 16th May

A quiet morning down at the library which enables me to get most of the weekend’s papers read and have a crack at the crossword. The problem with the big crossword on the weekend is whoever sets those feels the need to show off their obscure knowledge, particularly of Greek Mythology and astral constellations. However I feel that is what Google and Wikipedia were invented for, and at least by looking the answers up I’m educating myself.

Half way through the morning I pop into the doctors next door for an appointment I’d made on the way in this morning. I know some people may find it hard to believe you can see a doctor on the day you want to, but trust me you can. Looking around the waiting room I was pleasantly surprised by the spread of people there, though admittedly the majority were either elderly or young kids with their mums, which I guess is fairly common across the country.

I get away with a little light dusting in the afternoon as I’m under orders not to disturb the eldest who is head down revising as she has three AS level exams tomorrow. Sounds ridiculous I know, but it’s just the way the schedule falls for her. After tea Mrs P and I take another evening stroll, it is getting to be almost a regular occurrence, in the same way when you ask the youngest if anything interesting happened at school today, he replies, no.

Yours becoming a creature of habit.


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