For some reason I have yet to fathom, it has now become a daily ritual
for me to watch the BBC weather at 7.45am each morning. I put the TV on whilst
washing up the breakfast dishes, (sausage sandwiches for the teenagers today,)
then go through when I’m done. I rewind the news programme and watch Carol,
well it’s usually Carol on the BBC, with the forecast. My concern for the
weather is mostly a mixture of, whether the kids need coats for school, whether
there is any point in hanging out the washing to dry, and whether I’m going to
get wet walking to the library, or delivering the papers. I know weather
forecasting is not an exact science. It is a forecast after all, but its funny
how as a house husband at this time of year I’m more concerned about it. In the
summer, by and large the kids don’t need a coat, whereas in winter they do. But
autumn and spring are the, your guess is as good as mine months, when it comes
to the weather. At the moment I’m just relying on the fact that Carol’s guess
is better than mine.
Today I manage to get the papers done ahead of the forecast rain, and even
the washing got dried outside. So a big win for this morning’s forecast. I even
get the ironing done late afternoon. For
tea we’d been invited to the outlaws and very nice it was too. Homemade steak
pie followed by homemade apple pie, you really can taste the difference when
someone has made the effort and done it themselves. It even got me out of
tidying up afterwards. All in all, quite a successful day.
Yours riding the forecast.