Monday, 8 July 2013

Monday 8th Jul

Mrs P and I were in the supermarket this morning when I heard what appeared to be a commotion. On closer inspection it turned out to be a very angry man facing a wall, and shouting into his mobile phone. Now he was being quite aggressive down the phone, and it made me wonder what the protocol is for threatening behaviour in a public place, against someone on the other end of a phone. Much like on a train why should I, or anyone else for that matter, be subjected to someone else’s ranting. Is it just plain bad manners, or is it illegal? I’m still not convinced that technology is a force for good.

Later on Mrs P sent me to the laundrette to wash a couple of duvets that wouldn’t fit in the machine at home. It’s all self-service now, and after following the loading instructions I eventually worked out where to put my money. It’s fascinating to think in these times, where you assume that everyone has a washing machine that laundrette’s still exist, and are full of camaraderie. The ladies in there this morning were helpful, friendly and happy to chat to a stranger. I know an awful lot of places in much better parts of town, where you’d be treated a lot worse.

Having gone for a brief visit to the shops with the eldest (she drove me!), during which within 2 minutes of us briefly going our separate ways, she’d forgotten to text to tell me she’d changed shops, leaving me on something of a wild goose chase. I once again marvelled at how today’s teenager can be so forgetful. Or is it just mine?

Mrs P and I enjoyed a decent walk in the evening and then sat out in the garden drinking tea. I must say the garden furniture is getting a good workout this year, and long may it continue.

Yours drinking in the sun.


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