Saturday, 26 January 2013

Friday Jan 25th

Cold old start to the day with the promise of snow to come, and here it is mid-morning. I rush to check the email and internet to make sure the schools aren’t threatening to close as they did last week. Apparently not caused by a lack of heating, but by a concern that the buses wouldn’t be able to run later. Fortunately as my pair walk it’s not a concern. Sending them home just means they get in the way.


Slightly more of a concern is my youngest lost their coat last week! Perfect timing, apart from the fact it’s freezing out at the moment and it’s a new coat. But despite going out in it one morning, they managed to return in the dark, wet and cold without it, having forgotten they had it in the first place. Today, after visiting what seems like a dizzying selection of lost property venues in school through the week, praise be but it was found, not in lost property but in what was described as a “random room.”We are considering stitching it to the school blazer to avoid a reoccurrence. Funny thing is even when it is snowing, the kids don’t want to where a coat, apparently “It’s not that cold!””Well it’s cold enough to snow”, says Mrs P, “you’re wearing it.”


On the same vein bumped into an old friend in the supermarket who informed me his kids’ primary school had sent out an email at 9.30am in the morning saying if parents were concerned about the weather they could come and collect their children. Given it’s a local primary school and most people can walk, this was a bit surprising. So taking the email in the spirit it was intended he collected his pair at 3.30pm as normal. Sanity restored.



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