It felt a little bit surreal today, when, after I’d
spent the morning reading and watching recordings on TV, the outlaws kindly
appeared after lunch, to collect and deliver half of the paper round. Mrs P and
the eldest do the other half of an evening at the moment.
The outlaws left their laptop with me to clean it up.
It was running slowly and assorted applications appeared to have been
downloaded. I’d just got it sorted when the old man called round for a chat. So
we were sat having a cuppa when the outlaws came back. I invited them in to
join us and found myself hosting a tea party, for OAP’s. My very own, ‘Alice in
Wonderland’ moment. I have to say they have all been very helpful and I am at
the moment reaping the benefit of having our nearest and dearest close by,
while my shoulder repairs, and I am sans car.
Without resorting to daytime TV, there is only so much
you can watch, which means I’m reading quite a lot. This has highlighted the
fact that my sight is getting worse, at least when it comes to reading. So this
morning I walked to the opticians for an eye test. I have to say it was nice just
to be out in the fresh air. The optician is a chap I know and as he put it to
me, I’m just now at that age where I need reading glasses. So it was I exited
with a cheap (£5.50) pair of off-the-shelf ‘ready readers.’ The effect was
miraculous for me. From having to hold my book at arm’s length in good light to
make out the words, I could hold it half way and see crisp, sharp lettering.
Even the teenagers were good enough not to laugh too much. Feeling confident
with my new eyewear I placed them on top of my head and promptly broke off an
arm when I removed them!
So I now sit head tilted, with wonky spectacles held
together with a sticking plaster. But at least I can see to read, so I’m very
happy about that, and Mrs P has promised to take me to get a more suitable
Yours seeing the light, and the words.